car 1.0.1
0001-01-01 | #category/development #container/image #lang/go #state/stale #type/cli
Like tar, but for containers
0001-01-01 | #category/development #container/image #lang/go #state/stale #type/cli
Like tar, but for containers
0001-01-01 | #font #org/microsoft #presentation #slides
Monospaced font that includes programming ligatures
0001-01-01 | #container/init #lang/c #type/cli
Container init that is so simple it’s effectively brain-dead
0001-01-01 | #category/development #lang/go #state/deprecated #state/onemanshow #state/stale #type/cli
Command-line tool that uses the OpenAI model to generate text based on user input
0001-01-01 | #category/development #lang/go #troubleshooting #type/cli
cdebug - a swiss army knife of container debugging
0001-01-01 | #category/operations #lang/go #type/cli
Detect various technology for a given IP address
0001-01-01 | #category/security #cyclonedx #lang/javascript #org/owasp #sbom #type/cli
Creates CycloneDX Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) for your projects from source and container images
0001-01-01 | #category/security #certificate #lang/go #org/cloudflare #type/cli
Cloudflare’s PKI and TLS toolkit
0001-01-01 | #category/development #k8s #kubernetes #lang/go #org/kyverno #type/cli
Declarative K8s e2e testing
0001-01-01 | #category/operations #lang/go #org/charmbracelet #type/cli
Charm Tool and Library