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uniget is inspired by the convenience script to install the Docker daemon. But the scope is much larger.

uniget is meant to bootstrap a new box with Docker as well as install useful tools from the container ecosystem and beyond. It can also be used to update these tools. It aims to be distribution-agnostic and provide reasonable default configurations. Personally, I am using it to prepare virtual machines for my own experiments as well as training environments.

Tools are downloaded, installed and updated automatically.

Installation instructions

curl -sLf https://github.com/uniget-org/cli/releases/latest/download/uniget_linux_$(uname -m).tar.gz \
| sudo tar -xzC /usr/local/bin uniget

More informaton

The project is hosted on GitHub. Also checkout the documentation.

Also checkout the cheats available for navi. Import them with the following commands:

navi repo add https://github.com/uniget-org/cli